Couples Counseling

Another passion of mine is Marriage and Couple's Counseling, as well as Premarital Counseling. Our thoughts, feelings, and behaviors inevitably affect our relationships. Individuals in families and marriages often operate from a place of comfort and familiarity, which can be detrimental. Allow me to help your marriage, relationship, and family become what you desire. Couple’s Counseling is unique, and I can help you navigate the difficulties that tend to be specific to couples. Many times, individuals reactively come to therapy, but engaging in Premarital Counseling can assist later with the "normal" growing pains of marriage. Let’s create the foundation for a healthy marriage and healthy relationships.

Common concerns:

  • Addictions (e.g., pornography, gambling)
  • Balance (Work/Life/Family)
  • Blended and Extended Families
  • Illness
  • Separation/Divorce
  • Infidelity
  • Intimacy & Sexual Concerns
  • Mental Illness
  • Communication Difficulties
  • Life Transitions (e.g., retirement, empty nest, death of parents)